Monday, March 2, 2009

【Yosemite】Day2- Lower Yosemite Fall


「Yosemite Falls」小常識:摘錄於Wikipedia

"Yosemite Falls is the highest measured waterfall in North America. Located in Yosemite National Park in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, it is a major attraction in the park, especially in late spring when the water flow is at its peak.The total 729 metres (2,390 ft) from the top of the upper falls to the base of the lower falls qualifies Yosemite Falls as the sixth highest waterfall in the world, though with the recent discovery of Gocta Cataracts, it appears on some lists as seventh."


Lower Yosemite Fall
想要觀看「Lower Yosemite Fall」,只要走上一段屬於園區內容易上手的健行步道,即可一賭風采,不像有些風景點,非得花上好幾個小時,步履維艱,才能抵達終點。所以沿路尚看著大人帶小孩,年輕人帶著老年人,輕輕鬆鬆,好景便能映入眼簾。

Lower Yosemite Fall

Lower Yosemite Fall

Lower Yosemite Fall

Lower Yosemite Fall

Lower Yosemite Fall
從遠處拍「Yosemite Fall」。「Yosemite Fall」被斷成兩截,剛剛介紹的是比較低層的那個。若要走「Yosemite Fall」的健行步道,就不是那麼輕鬆了。

Lower Yosemite Fall

Lower Yosemite Fall

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